Plant Analysis With SPAC-Analytics APIs: Why Is It Beneficial? | Plant Ditech

Plant Analysis With SPAC-Analytics APIs: Why Is It Beneficial? | Plant Ditech Enhancing Plant Analysis with SPAC-Analytics APIs On this page, we will explore the use of APIs to interact with the PlantArray system, a cutting-edge platform for plant data management and analysis. Whether you are a developer, researcher, or plant enthusiast, understanding SPAC-Analytics APIs […]

Why plant physiological analysis is the most accurate way to indicate plants behavior?

Plant analysis is a valuable tool used in various fields of study, including agriculture, botany, and environmental science. It involves the detailed examination of plant characteristics, functions, and interactions within their ecosystems. By analyzing plants, researchers and scientists can gain valuable insights into their growth patterns, nutritional needs, disease resistance, and overall health. This information is […]

Looking for Activity Underground – Roots Functional Traits

Figure 1. Drought Point Detection model: Under high soil water content, water is not a limiting factor, thus plant 1 (P1) and plant 2 (P2) do not limit their canopy demand for water. Under water deficit, water becomes less available to the roots, thus P1 plants will be limited faster (early Ɵcrit) than P2 plants. Gosa et al., Plant Science (2018)

Today, most of the stress-related characterization of roots is morphological. Yet, the ability to characterize and compare physiological traits of plants’ roots under stress is priceless. Why is it so important? A good agronomic definition to drought is the point at which soil water content becomes a limiting factor for plant transpiration. This point of […]

Plant Biomass: Mechanism Of The Biological Wonder | Plant Ditech

Biomass, the organic material derived from living organisms, serves as a fundamental component of the Earth’s ecosystems and plays a crucial role in sustaining life. Among the diverse sources of biomass, plants stand out as the primary producers, converting sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy-rich compounds through photosynthesis. This intricate process not only drives […]

Plant Phenomics: Solutions To Analyze Plant Traits | Plant Ditech

Plant Phenomics is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the measurement, analysis, and interpretation of plant traits at the whole-plant level. It encompasses various techniques and methodologies to study the complex interaction between genes, environment, and the development of plants. Plant Phenomics plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of plant growth, development, and […]

Biostimulants: Harness The Power of Biostimulants | Plant Ditech

What are biostimulants? Plant biostimulants encompass a broad category of naturally derived or chemically synthesized substances that stimulate plant growth and development by enhancing nutrient availability, hormone regulation, and stress tolerance. They differ from traditional fertilizers, which primarily supply essential nutrients to plants. Instead, biostimulants improve the physiological and metabolic processes of plants, facilitating better […]

Drought Stress in Plants: Effective Solutions

Drought, is a prolonged period of abnormally low water availability or precipitation that has profound implications for plant growth, development, and survival. It occurs when the available water supply falls short of meeting the plants’ demands, triggering a cascade of water stress and instigating a range of physiological and metabolic responses. During a drought, plants […]

Breeding For Abiotic Stress: System Innovations | Plant Ditech

Breeding for abiotic stress tolerance in plants is a critical area of research and development aimed at addressing the challenges posed by environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, extreme temperatures, and nutrient deficiencies. As the global climate changes and temperatures rise, and arable land becomes increasingly scarce, the need for crops that can thrive under adverse […]

Water Stress in Plants: How Does It Impact Growth?

How does water stress impact plant growth? Water stress in plants refers to a condition where there is an inadequate amount of water available for the normal growth and development of plants. It occurs when the demand for water by the plant exceeds the available water supply in the soil. Water stress can have significant […]

Plant Physiology: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

What is plant physiology and why is it important? Plant physiology is a branch of botany that focuses on the study of plant function and how plants grow, develop and reproduce. It encompasses all aspects of plant life, from the molecular and cellular level to the interactions of plants with their environment. Understanding plant physiology […]

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