Understanding Whole Plant Physiology

Researchers and breeders are returning to nature, searching for explanations about plant adaptation and adaptation abilities to harsh environments. Finding a genotype that presents a trait to cope with drought or salinity could improve crop production and stability.

Plants, especially wild plants, reveal wide phenotypic plasticity based on the genotype by environment interactions (GxE), which complicate the screening process and isolation of a specific quantitative physiological trait (QTP). Each interaction, as well as the hierarchy and relationships between the traits–plasticity are not easily quantifiable. Consequently, under changing environmental conditions there will be numerous scenarios of QPTs plasticity within and between genotypes.

The PlantArray phenotyping system is an automatic phenotyping system that provides a platform to measure any number (pending your growth facility capacity) of repetitions from one or a few populations together, simultaneously and under the same ambient condition, enabling the analysis of the phenotype response of each individual and the whole population simultaneously.

Key benefits of using PlantArray:

  • High-throughput functional performance analysis of many cultivar types
  • Continuously measures multi-key environmental parameters and functional (physiological) traits such as growth rates, transpiration rates, water-use-efficiency, stomatal conductance, root activity and more
  • Simultaneously control many different soil and water scenarios (e.g. drought and/or salinity, chemicals)
  • Instant feedback and real-time in-depth statistical analysis of plant performance with clear graphical presentation
  • Experiments performed within only 3-4 weeks

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